Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy CNY 2013 and soon, Valentine's Day.

CNY 2013 is the first, and very hopefully the last that our family will not have a reunion dinner. We aren't technically celebrating CNY because of the sad passing of my granmps in Dec.

Nonetheless, although traditions of years have been broken today, there is still countless family dinners here and there, and good food still. We will still be going back Ipoh but on the second day, not the usual CNY eve. To top it off, Valentine's day practically clashes with CNY this year around.

First off, here's my cute Sophie. Adorable and totally lovable puppy.

So... back to CNY 2013 :) For those who know me, I am Yee Sang crazy. I just love it and probably wont get bored of it.

Lou Sang #1
Lou Sang #2
Lou Sang #3 (I self made one! If you consider opening a prepacket and pouring them into  a plate "self made")
Meanwhile, on CNY eve, it was good to see some old friends :) 

The "EY Interns" :) Sorry Melvin! You left too early!
More CNY coming right up.

Logging off,