Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Lol. 2021 turned out to be a shitshow. this once-a-year post is 3 months late. Its now end of March. 

2022 - the year that things might improve? maybe? 

Sunday, January 24, 2021


 It's amazing we made it through 2020. Look at the time go by. Welcome, 2021. May you be a better year than 2020.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Oh wow! Look at that. It's 2019 and my last post was 3 years ago in 2016.

Where has the time gone. What have I done in the years that have passed?

It's genuinely scary how time is slipping through my fingers. A pretty dramatic visualisation but it is an accurate one.

In my last post, I said it was once a year post. It seems like it's once every three years now.

Welcome 2019. :)

Friday, January 01, 2016


Oh look at that! the last post was herding in the start of 2015 and this port is now herding in the start of 2016.

It really is a once a year post. I suppose it is always the arbitrary selection of this particular rotation of the earth making yet another lap around the sun that makes one rather.. contemplative.

I've decided in a 'manner-of-fact' way that 2016 will be different than 2015.

Time really is our most precious resource. It is probably the most cliche saying but 2015 has gone by really quick. Time passes quicker when there are no new experiences, and it seem to hold particularly true in 2015. I mean, I moved countries in 2014, got a new job in 2014, and moved three places in 2014.. In 2015.. hmm...

So perhaps I will partake in this odd human practice of declaring a change on this arbitrary lap around the sun to decide to do things differently in 2016.

Welcome 2016. Hopefully, in a year's time when I do 2017's post and look back, I can be proud of 2016 me. Hopefully.

Signing off,

P.S. - this blog is really a living museum of the past.

Monday, February 16, 2015


It's pretty much a year a post kinda blog now.

This blog has been with me for so many years and is one of the very rare public avenue of my rants, prior to the days of Facebook and Instagram. I'll look back, read back, all the posts I've made over the years.

2015 has arrived, and it's hard to forget that 10 years ago would be 2005 and not 1995. Turning 27 this year feels unreal, and I can't help but wonder where has the time gone. Many, if not most, are engaged, married, or have kids now, leaving me pretty much in the dust behind still trying to figure out my life.

Many times in life, things don't work out how you have had it planned. Many times, it just slaps the nicely planned map out of your hands and stomps on them. It's exhausting, it's defeating, and it's just very saddening.

Sometimes you just have to force yourself to accept and move on. To smile and be happy, if not for you, then for someone else. To convince yourself things are for the better this way. Eventually you will believe it yourself.

Here I stand, yet another chapter of my life closed behind me firmly, with just solitude ahead. Smile. Strong. Survive.