Sunday, March 02, 2008

Growing up kinda suck..

Aihz.. what a long awaited post.. Such silence in my blog for such a long time.. Maybe I'm slow to realize, but growing up kinda suck.. that routines I used to whine and complain about wasnt so bad after all..

Well I mean, when we're small and all that, we seem to always look forward to growing up.. Like when we're in primary school, we couldn't wait to get into secondary school.. In secondary school we couldnt wait to get into uni.. In uni - thats where I am now.. Suddenly I think back, and realize, what could I possible look forward to in the future? the working life? surely that sucks..

What about the dog eat dog corporate world is there that I supposedly am looking forward to? What about having to spend more time away from family and friends is nice? What about the selfish self centered and intolerant world ahead that is so great to warrant that?

So now I sit and think, and miss, but not regret, the past.. How true is it that we do not appreciate things until they have past and gone.. The friends, the people, and everything around us that has passed until we are alone - inevitable.

I'll post a buncha pics in my nex post.. till then..

Logging off,