Monday, September 21, 2009

Nuffnang is awesome!!

After having gone through hell last night with sleep deprivation, panadols, many many coffees (until the coffee stuff has moved into my room), cold wet towels; I was going to pass up the assignment created from hell this afternoon, and I opened my door to find a parcel!!!

From.. Nuffnang??! Okay that's pretty unexpected..

They love meee!! and I love you too, since you sent a parcel! 

I'm AWESOME too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I sound like a little child just given a candy, but but but.... I'M.. wait for it... AWESOME!!

WTH! WOWW!! Either I died yesterday from overworking, and this is heaven, or the world is suddenly a more generous place.. Its seriously a $10 gift card!!

Seriously, more goodies!! They know what I LOVE! FOOD.. FREE FOOD!!

Well, not everything is for me it seems.. I honestly don't know what these things are.. Hair dye? Shampoo? Moisturiser? I don't wanna find out later I've been using a shampoo for facial wash...

dinner today shall be tuna and beans..

And thats all folks! but seriously, a big thank you to nuffnang for the unexpected gift =) I *hope* it is a gift actually..

Off to the next hell pit due the day after tomorrow, audit!

Logging off,