Friday, October 16, 2009


I feel its been ages since I last updated.. I've got SO much to blog, to the point im lazy to blog =.=" does that even make sense? Nah i'm sorry, EXAMS ARE COMING, bloody exams, and I have my hands full studying for them =.="

so apologies over the lack of any updates, i hate exams, did i mention that already? but yeah updates will be scarce over the next one month apologies!!

Btw this blog has just passed its 5 year old mark yipee!! I think I shud change my sign off with something other than 'Lawy3rz'.. that was made when it was in the era when tHi$ wa§ C00L.. =.="

Logging off,

P.S. - Sorry guys, I'd love to update, but it'd be after exams before I can find time to.. =)