Thursday, October 27, 2005

The last of the last of the last is at our doorsteps..

Tomorrow will mark the last days of schooling life for most of us form 5s, unless of cuz you plan to come the following week.. And finally, the last of the last days are here.. I look back to the past 5 years in secondary school and I see many things that had happened.. Simply because this is an open blog, I can't openly rant some stupid stuff without thinking twice or some people will seriously screw everything up..

Wat do you feel when it comes to the last of the last? What do you feel about it? Hopes, regret, hatred, nostalgic? In the end, although my journey past this 5 years was neither hard nor easy, I stand at the end of the road, still very much the same me, myself and I.. Except to look back at past memories, with everyone I once held close and called friends, who stood beside me as equals in an aspect of our lives; classmates..

The memories of the past will eventually fade from everyone's mind.. But for me, I know that I'll forever treasure the times that I had, every single second and nanosecond I had in the 5 years of my secondary schooling life and I thank every single one of you out there who had made me who I am today. 1Kenanga 01', 2*something* + 2 Lambda 02', 3 Alpha 03', 4 Beta & 5 Beta 04' and 05' respectively..

Much has been said about keeping in touch and all, but words are very much easier said than done.. For me, I know I will probably lose contact with many many people because I tried to never have one group of friends alone, that I stood lone from the rest who had groups and until now I don't and will never regret.. Besides, I barely truly know anyone but their faces at school.. And when everyone gets together, they'll remember all their closest of friends, those not-so-close people will never have a reason to get together for any reason.. Likewise, I have no reason to go and talk to a someone even though I really want to.. I would have nothing to talk about and because of that, we will probably never talk..

Meters away in the same building for so many years, yet I have practically lost contact with people I called my classmates and friends.. Imagine when school is over and we're scattered all over the world like the seeds of a flower.. We will all have our own paths to walk, and the path will only go straight unless you make an effort to walk away from the straight road.. As long the path goes straight, they will never cross another path..

Ai, this is another one of the post where I meleter my already crowded and stressed out mind with nonsense, and please, don't write some comment about how screwed up I am or anything like that.. I know I am already all messed up..

Finally, I would like to say, that, to everyone I ever knew, best wishes, good luck, in every single future endeavor that you will encounter in the present and future..

Logging off,