Wednesday, May 18, 2005

the ramblings of a troubled heart..

One after another the exams just keep piling up and the deep shit I seem to be in seems to get deeper.. The exams so far are not bad, but they are NOT good as well... Oh well, I'm screwed.. and I was thinking of writing a short novel by my own for fun summore.. wat kinda novel? dun ask yet, cuz I don't know..

A troubled heart..? haha.. i'm not too sure why that's my title today, I just put whatever I feel at the time I'm blogging.. Have you ever got the feeling..when you look at other's life and wonder why the hell is your own so damn terrible? Well, I do sometimes, but I don't quite complain about it.. I do what I can do to make it better and those that I cannot do, I can do nothing but leave it alone, and pray it does not haunt me..

Endless ramblings.. that what my blogging seem to be these days.. but heck, I don't care.. its my blog..I'll crap as much as I want.. =p

Pictures are damn nostalgic.. I just went through the Japan pictures and I felt so sad.. although I should be happy that I got the chance to go.. It was seriously the best time of my life, though I wished I spent more time with other people.. who cares? I'm not the guy who regrets his actions.. Whats done is done.. =) But seriously, going through the photos, I felt damn sad.. I could cry..

yeah, if Sylvan was here, she'd say a thing or two about my emotional level.. Well, I can't deny that my emotional level are crap.. its like non-existant.. I am who I am, and my feelings are mine to show.. I wished I realize all these a long time ago.. somehow all these seems to bring back memories of my e-X~..

I think she'll kill me if she knew I blogged about her.. well thats the reason I dont... I don't talk bad bout her too.. I think we both made our mistakes enuf, and dun think it should be repeated again.. A love started unsincere will always be unsincere..

A troubled heart seeks refuge..
