Monday, February 13, 2006


once a day of hopes and love, now its just another day.. no doubt, the commercialism of it will make it a big huu haa.. there wud be smiles and laughters, but are we forgettin the ones with tears and frowns.. those that have lost trust in everything.. It is our overlooking that some loses their purpose in life.

As for me, I myself had given up hope on it; love that is.. though many people may critize us young people as foolish love, and that it never lasts, and act as though they themselves are so mighty while they may be more pathetic than us, the truth is, it depends on individuals; there aint such blanket ruling for all..

Tomorrow, is just like any other tuesday... there won't be any more emotions.. at least for not the time being.. I feel, as sad n' pathetic it may b, i am more stable and relaxed that way.. Don't think about it, don't feel it, don't get hurt by it..

Logging off,