Sunday, April 30, 2006

Some time..

Hahaha.. I seriously apologize to those who come here often and yet not find any updates in my blog.. I dun find much time to blog these days.. Just seem rather busy and yet somehow free.. Midnight on sunday.. Tmr a public holiday.. *thank god* for I still need every second I can find to work on my stupid, crappy, damned, shitty, helled ESL investigative study..

I just found out that looking at old photos will now be the last thing i'll ever do again in my life.. For those who keep reading regularly, or rather know me, u'd know that I can't stand looking at pics.. I just cant.. I feel.. so..nostalgic every time.. I have a pic of my entire class on my workin desk, and I feel like wanna cry everytime I look at it.. Hence, its now moved on a shelf.. XD

I thought it's best to at least make SOME post rather than none, so I apologize again if this post seemed rather short.. Perhaps I should make shorther more frequent posts than one looooong one that never seem to come often enuf..

Logging off,

Holding what seem to be eternity,
Silent smile, Silent tears,
What was first became the last,
What was impossible become true,
Or perhaps it was just a dream,
Distant, miracle, dream,
On the day,
I'll never forget,
And hopes that you'd not forget me,
In your paths for dreams,
Thats my only true wish,
For the elf of the night...
