Thursday, August 31, 2006

King of the sky..

haha, perhaps its just an overly addiction to air gear, but the latest episode was dammm nice.. lol.. encompass everything and fly.. give us wings, king of the sky! lol!! In jap it sounds cool k, not in eng..

lets see.. animax officially launches in malaysia today, 1st september.. finally.. but the biggest disappointment is really the malay subtitles.. even I can tell its wrong occasionally, not to mention weird.. Then there are adverts, as I am so used to watching animes without them, it feels so .. long.. and finally, they may have a few decent newer anime and some popular ones but there are also some that are sooooooo old and the animation is reaaaaaaly bad and the sound acting quality is veeeeeeeery bad and best of all, they aren't classics so in short they plain suck. lol.

Exams are coming again, and for once I'm working on it.. Not hard to say that I'm scared, and how my future seems damn unclear..

Updates to the blog! Links remade and removed long dead links.. Anime list updated! and most of all, I got the beta! yay! I've been hoping for weeks.. Its like blogger has a new beta system, I've tested it but it isnt the same if its not on ur real blog.. now i got it.. seems pretty cool for now, except that I love my template too much to lose it if I want to try with the new templating features..

And, in response to the 'great' overwhelming response to the quiz questions, it has gotta be stopped.. sheesh.. lol i thought since i blog rather rarely these days I pop a simple ques.. turns out the opposite way.. oh well..

Who do you turn to in your darkest hours? Those you turn to, and accept you, are your true friends..

Logging off,