Friday, August 25, 2006

A bit of bloggin..

Blah.. Its nearly the end of the hols and I really didnt study much despite how much resolution I put into it.. Crapp.. Is there any hope to get me to sit down and study more than 10 minutes straight? At this rate I'm gonna fail..

Anyhow, the past few days I've been feeling like blogging but everytime I do get in front of the com, nothing comes out of my mind.. writer's block.. erm.. blogger's block..

Now, after days of postponing and postponing this post, I better get it published or it'll never get done.. anyhow, let's introduce a small quiz and see who can get it right.. ;) of cuz, it depends how well you know me..

Ques 1: Which part of nature do I love most? (e.g. sun, sky, tsunami, typhoon.. u get the point)

Logging off,

P.S. post ur answer in the chatterbox or in the comment section..