Thursday, October 19, 2006


I was never good with farewells.. I hate them.. Not that anyone would like them... Its just that, it somehow affects me deeper than alot of other people.. Especially when you're silent, it just hits you, really hard.. I do not seek pity or sympathy, really, but I thank you for your concern..

It is the time of the year again, where those we have gone accustomed to, and comfortable with and when it just seem to have gotten enjoyable, its time has ended.. Its such a sad cycle when you think of it.. Seeing people taking their last photos, hugging each others..

Sometimes it reminds me of why I took pride in how I could stand strong alone.. Overtime, it contradicted itself, and I feel really weak sometimes.. Just like the schooling days, its the ending that is felt the hardest.. where are we going next year? will we ever meet again? or is it just all talk?

Forgive me for meaningless rants today.. Sometimes I cannot act that the day is always sunny all the time, for I am human, just like any of you, and I am weak and to err is only human..

Logging off,