Sunday, August 19, 2007

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition 2007

Yep, u've probably heard of it, read bout it, seen in the papers.. D fireworks competition held at Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC) yesterday night at 10pm was nothing short of fantastic.. However, though, going there was difficult, there were no signs nor banners to get there.. the main road leading towards the PICC was completely pitch dark, the streets lights of a major road (its a 3 lane road in both directions) were not on/spoilt and the crowd was enormous..

The event consists of 4 different countries, Malaysia, Italy, Australia, and Japan.. Each country has a display on different nights, and the debut was started off by Malaysia (18th August), followed by Australia (22nd August), Italy (25th August), and finally Japan, (30th August) which has d countdown to Merdeka day! I'm not very sure wat team global means though, (stated on its webpage at

But I must say it was worth it very much.. Check out the pics wei..

This was the park we sat to watch d fireworks.. That thing is supposed to be a bridge.. No, not d bridge d fireworks was tho..

Check out all the pics @ Here(Photobucket) or Here(Snapfish)

Still tryin to decide which image host i'll use..

See the jam AFTER the event.. took 2 hours to get out of it.. seriously was terrible.. But it was a great display of fireworks overall..

Logging off,