Thursday, December 18, 2008

Been a while..

Yes Yes I know I know I havent blogged in a while..

*Dodges rotten apples and slippers* from grumpy people who read this boring blog..

So.. I'm back from china.... (duh).. *dodges more rotten apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, slippers*

Pictures? too lazy to upload.. there's like 1800 pictures okay..

Yes I know. Lotsa.. space.. between lines..

In any case, it seems like when ur not working, u keep thinking of trying to get job and work.. Now that I'm working.. I keep thinking of how nice it is NOT to work.. I've been chucked around alot too, but thats a plus point actually cuz i get to meet real clients and see real business environment.. Seems like the typical interns job of photocopyin stuff and making notes doesnt apply as they chuck us straight into doing the audit, the first week without training even!

Apparently there is a shortage of staff.. Holiday season, aka everyone's on leave!! VTs come in and do all the work in their place.. very smart of the companies hiring interns.. But nonetheless, no regrets, and its been actually manageable.. I thought i'd be overwhelemed but I reckon I can manage.. so far.. *the terminology is still killing me*

Met up with some old people and faces I havent seen in a while.. Still waiting for photos but goodness knows which year I'll get it.. *hint hint* Until then lah..

Just a random picture - my fav, from Kunming, China.. Beautiful breathless views.. and murderous temperatures too..

Logging off,