Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The end of days..

It seems at the end of every year, or perhaps at the very start, I have these sort of emo-seemingly repetitive posts.. The end of life as we know it.. Ok it isnt as dramatic as that, but in a way it is true. The very end of student life is here in a year.. high school mates, college mates, I just wonder how many of us will bother to keep in touch, how many of us will be together after the end of uni.. No more 'semester breaks' and 3 month long holiday.. All we get is crappy annual leave which that is if u work 9-5 jobs.

Speaking of 9-5 jobs, it sucks. like shit. Whoever wants to study so hard to come out and do 9-5 shitty jobs. unless u have no choice of course.. Now I think most of us dont have that choice. As for me, I want to get a PR in aus AND cover back uni fees AND save up to build up investment capital which means I probably have no damn choice also.

Accounting sucks. I don't know how people call it to be what makes the world go round. Auditing is worse, and for the record, quite a meaningless profession to exist in the first place without government regulation mandating audit. Yet so many of these "frauds" appear anyway simply because our current concept of accounting and audit is all nonsense.

Ok i'm bias, probably, but frustrated that I dont believe in what I'm about to do just in 1 year time. Yet, I doubt I have the choice to go elsewhere and do other things, at least not yet, and at least for 5 years probably. sucks. You can force someone to do something but never to believe in what they do.

Enuf ranting =.="

I am *determined eyes here* going to make this year 2009 a meaningful fantastic year. like for real. enuf screwing around, enuf of half past six stupid exam results, enuf of uni complications and enuf of alot of other nonsense. Basketball in melb anyone? Better message me b4 i leave u out ;)

I'm about to leave for melb back tmr and I'm feelin weird.. just feelin sucky. no other explaination. use your own imagination.

*oh* and yes i'll try to update this blog with more rubbish rants from now on.. yes i know u've heard that b4...

Random image: UR DIRTY MIND.. XD

Logging off,