Thursday, June 04, 2009

Staring into the past, the present, and the future..

Staring blankly at the piles and piles of papers and heavy text books on the desk and floor, thinking about the past present and future, smiling like an idiot half the time, stoning with a frown at others, as I'm typing this wondering what this post is even about..

I wonder where all these uncertainly will lead us in the end.. why dreams seem so distant, and pursuing them requires courage to go against all odds.. Don't fret if you cant follow the flow of this post, I'm typing this without giving it so much as a second thought. Hands at the keyboard types along with my thoughts as soon as they appear..

Letting go a soft sigh, I remember my vow never to regret, but cannot help wondering how t hings would be so different even if the path I walked had changed just a little. One thing leads to another, if I had not done this, then this this and this wouldnt have happen.. such a different fate.. such a foolish thought..

Thinking what I want to do in life, thinking how to sustain to do the things I want to do, and never forgettin my parents, family, relatives, and loved ones.. I talk about being less talk, but cant help it but feel im nothing but talk..

Hold fast and steady, I aspire to have the strength to change and dictate my own path.. as I've always wanted to..

Apologies about the blog post today. There's nothing going on unless u want to hear about my oh-so-interesting time at the library or at my desk studying.. Random pics taken over the past 6 months below..

Random pics: Torquay during easter break wid former EY interns

Random Pics: K3 reunion dinner, @ melb, missing a few people..

Logging off,