Saturday, June 13, 2009

The tale of Monash & water dispensers..

YES i know ive been ranting about the weather for a while now.. BUT its very well deserved, seeing that its REALLY BLOODY COLD outside!!! oh fine, in d morning for like 2-3 hours the sun came out.. it was like a summer day! a few summer HOURS. then it disappeared. n the wind.. oh the wind...

my goodness! when was winter ever this cold? or have i gone skinner n hence my natural protection is reduced? *day dreaming here* ARGH. combine that to being on campus at 6am in d morning and the nearest water dispenser being in another friggin building across half the campus! ARGH!

Monash is a scrooge. Water dispensers must be extraordinarily expensive in australia, since it seems there is only one water cooler in caulfield. yes one. Only one that I know off. Only one that is accessible 24 hours at least since its along the corridor. One/Satu water cooler for d whole of caulfield campus. Building H study nid to walk across the campus to get WATER. building T study even further. By the time I go out, get the water, and come back, my body fails to recognize I still have hands. *if you monash people are reading this, (and i hope you are), have more water dispensers around!*

We used to have a tap in building T (24 hour com labs). now its replaced by 3 very nice new shiny com labs but instead of being open 24 hours, its locked 24 hours. meanwhile the existing 2 general com labs are crammed packed. I wonder where the logic is... Its there. The computers are on. The building is open. the labs are not.

I actually wrote a long rant about other stuff in monash. more serious stuff.. the stuff above arent serious.. but it would be great if they did listen and improve on it.. which they wont and so I dont bother trying.

Unfortunately, the rant i spoke about earlier will not be published until I graduate from fear of victimization. There are more grunts and complaints about monash than meets the eye, and frustration, anger, and disappointment runs high in students who has had gotten ill advice, no advice, or simply ignored. Talk to most, most wouldnt even have dealt with the admin staff and would tell you nothing's wrong. The fact it is isnt so. I'm specifically talking about only the admin staff of monash, not the academic staff - whom are mostly great people by the way. Why isnt there evaluations for the faculty admin staff? Cant they have anonymous feedback boxes? - which shouldnt go to the faculty but someone higher up, even higher than the course manager.

I am personally very disappointed on how things worked out for me in Monash. It was partly my fault for getting ill advice from outside sources, but otherwise I'm disappointed, angry, and bitter at Monash, at their non-existant advice despite requests, false pretenses, and really almost no regard for the students' welfare, and myself. If only someone would listen..

Logging off,


eh eh come unisa i bring u a tour for ... water dispenser ok?

IN the library itself, there's water dispenser on every floor.

and for the other buildings, there is one located on the toppest floor.

baby smile smile *winks*

me love u!

me louvre museum you =)

PS: ur gf very random aint studying and u're not there for me to bug, so i shall bug ur "emo" blog -_-