Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hell awaits..

I see noob ppl reading this blog =.="

Anyway, hell awaits. I look at my calender and think hell would probably be a nicer place than Monash University for the next 2 months. The long list of hell, as I will now call my assessments and assignments, begin next week.

Myki stuff is being seen all over the place~! I cant wait.. I actually tried buying a myki from the website (since its already in use in Ballarat and a few regional Victoria places), but was told I wasn't eligible T.T

In other news, I just found out that the new section in Chadstone.. well.. partly anyway, is OPEN!

and oh there's lindts =) plus lotsa other shops..

PLUS their toilet is super nice. (no pic tho)

I definitely need to get a USB hub... This explains y... and there are more wires the other side not seen!

The balance of my laptops wires was thrown into chaos with the introduction to a new family member ^^

My awesome 1 terabyte hard diskk! Yes I do need the space.

I know this post is like a forced bunch of random news strung together, apologies for dat.. =.="

IELTS speaking test later.. ahhh.. =/

Logging off,


stoooopid. u dunnid ur 1TB hd. zzz