Random. I just woke up. FINE. I will so get my time back to normal by tomorrow zzz.. Anyway, tomrrow's my IELTS test, guess what time they want us to REACH there at?
That's right. 7.45am. 7.45am.
Don'task me what in the IELTS ppl's head. WHO SETS BLOODY TESTS AT 7.45AM? besides SAM exams - that was insane as well.. But oh well it doesnt matter to me either way. The night is my day and the day is my night.
How about this insanely huge lunch today? It became my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all in one. Wtf it was the most fattening n huge meal I ever had - cuz I cooked it and I know what I put inside. Cheese sausage and lotsa cheese kinda sums it up.
Don't ask. This is the frigging reason y I'm still putting on weight. oh its spaghetti btw for those who dont know its my staple food this year.
This was my "version" of porridge.. I made ABC soup as well but didn't take a picture of it.. =.=" My "porridge" became risotto but my ABC soup was fairly decent..
Food blog? Lol. U decide.
Logging off,
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