Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Room T1.25

Okay this is mainly to shed the emo post behindd.. Room T1.25. my second home.. Filled with white tables and computer screens... oh Room T1.25.. the memories of coffee cups, 7-11 pies and sandwiches, the memories of battling mad crazy winds to get water.. the memories of the guards checking IDs...

I vouch that stress from upcoming exams make you go crazy... I'm very tempted to like start taking pics of my lovely room T1.25 but I'm scared I will really look like I've gone crazy... Well alot of ppl in room T1.25 are pretty cranky, unsurprisingly... Come often enough you'll see familiar faces here =.="

There's a huge sign (huge literally) on the wall, and it is repeated like 20 times around other notices around the lab saying NO FOOD NO DRINKS NO MOBILES! Every single person here has some sort of biscuit/chips/Mother/bubble tea/coffee cup with them.. We're the security's worst most annoying enemy. The guy next to me seems to have 4 large 1.5Litre bottles of Coke with him..... =.=" a sight of terror..

The closest I could get to without getting caught =="

We're supposed to study, but most of the stuff on our computer screens is anything but studies.. I see facebook, I see flash games, I saw computer mahjong earlier, ebuddy, bla bla. the list goes on. *my own screen now is blogger =.="

Ranting begins!
Here's to the geniuses who designed the com labs layout - I understand some labs are owned by faculties and not ITS so its unfair to blame all to ITS. Down the corridor, there are 2 more big nice comfy labs. I've never seen it used once, yet its only open to MUELC and Monash College students. even the nice study area just up the hallway is only open until 10pm. I mean, the building itself requires a swipe card to get in, you might as well make it open 24 hours as well??!! Have you any idea how crowded it gets when it nears the exam? There's a legion of vampires in Monash and they study 24/7!! imagine the labs being absolutely crowded to the brim until there is no computers free to use... at 4AM in the morning!

For goodness sake, I hope you pity your students studying along the corridors on the floors, in the dining room, cramming 2-3 people at one computer space, and open up the frigging rest of the space around. While you're at it, give us back the sink you took away from us!! At least we could have brought kettles then and made our own coffee & instant noodles..

Security! If we're vampires then they're pretty much regarded as vampire slayers =.=" most of them are pretty nice and friendly, they do their job; check ur IDs, and attempt to kick you out until you finish all your food. Some seem like they don't have enough sleep, hate anyone under 30, or simply born as a vampire slayer. Everyone that goes through the door, which makes a loud sound in and out by the way, is stared at, as everyone is checking if the vampire slayer has just walked in. I was once caught just about to munch my first bite into a sandwhich when a security walked in T.T

Im not done ranting yet!!! The vending machines are crazily overpriced, and the coffee made by the machine is worse than brown drain water. why does Berwick's 24 hours labs have frigging sofas and beanbags, but Caulfield have freezing rooms? I reckon I can keep a frozen sausage here and it'll remain frozen the next day. Do you think your students are polar bears? I think I've sent about 2-3 emails, no one bother replying me. But at least they fixed the door, which used to slam shut like slammed by an angry kid everytime it closes. Now try to study when it happens every 30 seconds. They fixed that. Thank god. One small step for the student vampires.

Okay ranting enuf! BACK TO STUDIES!

Logging off,