Sunday, February 21, 2010


My blogging pace is anything but consistent.. One moment I can be blogging 10 posts a day (yeah rite) and other times suddenly it seemed dead.. My last blog post was posted from a hotel room in Ipoh.. I guess I had the erm.. travel around the world and blog kinda feeling.. Its nice to blog outside your own home, like on a hotel bed somewhere.. for.. reasons I cannot possible understand =.="

Oh another reason for the blog silence? this.

It glows with a holy aura.....

The next target? Starcraft 2. =D

Oh actually I do have stuff to blog about.. CNY at my grandpa's house.. with cute kids.. CNY fooood... hiking up mount everest.. more CNY parties... etc.. but I'm pretty lazy.. instead I'll show u the latest iPhone, which I will call the... iPhone N3!!! OMGITSTHEBESTESTTHINGEVER!

 I aint kidding. its the iPhone N3. and its 1GB! 

 Its clever disguise tricks you into thinking its just a flip phone... but...
 This is actually kinda cool haha..

 Resembles a tablet pc somehow..

and when put properly, it actually resembles an ipod classic =.=" Seriously it shud be called the phone of disguises!

Oh gosh sleepy sleepy sleepy! Nites!

Logging off,