Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hmm.. productivity..

Its a mysterious thing, really.. how productivity slips past us in a second, and then seemingly a whole entire day has passed without having done anything at all. When people ask, so... what did you do today/yesterday/this week/lately/recently? I often go um... and then dig my brain for something that I did that doesnt reflect me like a useless lazy good-for-nothing slacker.

"Umm.. Been busy.. you know.. with finding the job thing.."

And then comes the next most dreaded question.. "so.. how many interviews have you gone for?

It's like an automatic assumption that I must have gone for hundreds for interviews already to be still jobless.

"Umm.. None.. Still trying to get one"

then they go like "ahh.." and then give u that weird supposedly reassuring smile that its normal but at the same time their perception of you have changed permanently.

So I find myself having zero productivity at home, zero. I find myself doing things that exist solely to waste time. So I found starbucks as my second home, seeing that eugenes place can no longer be it.. The problem with starbucks is that I have to rely on my 500mb mobile internet quota a month to go online here, and its fairly crowded no matter what time I come here. It gets worse as I need to get a power point, so often I stalk people who hogs 6 seats to themselves and the power point, giving them the stare, ones that goes "leave... faster leave.. go... you have more important things to do.. go.. scram..." kinda stare..

Okay as I'm typing this, there's this really.. odd couple at the end of the room. it's like beauty and the beast, and the beast has longer hair than the beauty. and the beauty is now tying the beast's hair. wtf? and those two are the ones hogging up 6 seats, and she's sitting on his lap despite having 5 other empty seats right next to them. and going all mushy.

See the things you can see at starbucks?? such amazing things. lol.

Okay I better get off here and get back to my job hunt, which I call as "work" - which once caused a wave of misunderstanding at facebook.

See how they *never* *ever* get my name right? *Every* single time.

Logging off,