Monday, January 30, 2012

Life moves on.

Sometimes you think you know someone, but when they show their true colours, then you realised you have been played like a fool for years.

Only when you have been stabbed in the chest and left for dead do you see it. Used, taken for granted, and then dumped cold heartedly like a piece of used trash.

It used to be happiness, and now it is poison. It's time to erase, forget, and move on without the poison. It isn't even worth feeling sad anymore..

A pity, really, because I once thought you were the one. I once saw a happy future. It's funny how I am the one who wants a real relationship and how you are the one treating it like the whole time was just a fling. Funny how stereotypes work eh? A pity, considering how the once honest and sincere person I thought I knew has turned into this. Perhaps I never knew you at all.

I hope you are happy now, 'flirting around' like you wanted, drinking until you are drunk ass drunk every night for all I care. Don't waste my time and effort if you aren't interested anymore, and don't pretend like you are. I hope you're happy now.

Logging off,