Tuesday, February 28, 2012

TDH, Melvin, and MW3

It's been a while. It seems like updates are still trickling by surprisingly. Hint: don't check the time/date when it was posted.

Drinks at the ever-so-busy Tom, Dick, and Harry! Okay perhaps it was way too crowded n noisy downstairs we decided to go Hoofed just upstairs instead.

Melvin. Alive.

Beer by the bottle are rather expensive.

And the ever-so-popular porky fries is practically deep-fried spam. Talk about sinful!!
That aside, I finally gave into temptation and decided to purchase MW3 at USD 33! Loved the single player, always feels short when u play the game throughout the entire night and then finish it =.="

14GB. 5 hours. Finished in about the same time as well.
Last saturday, I ventured into Antipodean Cafe @ Bangsar for the second time in my life.

Sadly not many pics of people or food as I was way too engrossed with other stuff to be taking pics. Perhaps next time, I am sure there will a next time lol. The place reminds me of Melbourne brekkie!

Taken from TimeOutKL

Logging off,