Sunday, May 06, 2012

Marvel's Avengers does not disappoint!!

Well done, well done! Usually the hype is greater than the movie and the movie turns out to be a ~meh.

Avengers was without a doubt awesome!! Its a good thing I didn't go for the neck-sprain-inducing free ticket, cause it was worth watching it properly. Even a few times in fact.

There are just so many scenes that are simply awesome.

Anyway, moving away from the avengers craze, I came home to find a shocking part of our roof collapsed!! Its a major thing cause it could have easily collapsed on someone or the cars but luckily it didnt! Such drama!

Anyway its 3am and I'm hungry. Very hungry. The kind of hungry that I feel like cooking double Indomee, which I would have totally done if I were back in Melbourne. But I'm fat. LOL.

Dammit I'm feeling old.

Logging off,

P.S - Lets see if I can resist these hunger pangs..