Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A nostalgic past..

I somehow have this habit of going through old pictures and then regret that action later.. For those who know me, I am rather weak over such things, small as it may be.. From the pics when I was one of the editorial board photography members, pictures that I've taken in class, Japan 2004, Redang 2004.. There are just so many.. that reli brings back old memories.. happy, sad, but regardless of whatever those memories are, I will always feel amiss..

Those memories were once part of me, and that I am proud to have had them.. Memories that I'll cherish for my life..

At 17, now, SPM is all thats certain for every other student.. All our lives which we have taken comfort and security in will take a twist and some turns.. Basically, life will not be as it is now, classmates we have known since young for over 11 years of our schooling life, we might never see again, split around the world, if not the country, heading out very own paths and ways which will probably never cross again..

All I can say is, think back of your past times, think now in the present times, cherish the very last moments of friendships in school.. My life in secondary school has its twist as well.. For those who know, I began my form 1 in SMK USJ 4, and left in the middle of form 2, to SRIKL(again).. Form 1 (forget adi), Form 2 Kenanga + Form 2 Lambda, Form 3 Alpha, Form 4 and form 5 Beta..

With all my blabering, I reli dun have that right actualli.. Imagine, right now, you have a former classmate in the next class, meters away, in the same school, during the same schooling hours, and you have never spoken to her a long time.. What of after school? Will you speak to her? Thats me, really..

After a twist of events, Sylvan and I are rather supposedly friends, which never happened.. I mean, fine, I have nothing against her, nor am I avoiding her, and I think, i think, its vice versa.. But, I can safely say, I don't know her anymore.. much like everyone else who was a former classmate.. I don't think any of them took me as a real classmate though, I always got last in class, always sat in corners, adapted a silent principle which carried me to life this far..

As for Kelli, I'm dropping her, together with the 'new' person I was supposed to talk about, Madison, I found that the name wasn't reli suitable.. In Kelli's case, well she's pretty and all, but in all aspects, unapproachable.. So, I think this'll be the last time Kelli will appear here~..

Everyone's talking much about the prom, and I've overheard there and here, not reli that I purposely go and evesdrop though.. I, strongly doubt that i'm going this year.. I haven't bothered to check out the details at all, so I have no idea when is it, where is it and all those.. So, since i'm not going, there's nothing to blog about this year's prom.. besides.. .. nvm~..

Today alone I blog twice in two seperate post.. I guess thats enuf for today..

Logging off,