Friday, September 09, 2005

A sensitive issue..

: : Warning: Sensitive topic : :

Really, I do read people's blog (e.g. - akmal's, since he's one of the few who updates his blog unlike some who start for a few days and stop there) from time to time, and actually many of them are very interesting, infromative and quite thought provoking, in constrast with the rubbish and nonsense I usually type here.. And everything I usually type is all about myself, myself and myself..

But honestly, I don't know anything but myself, and things that revolve around me.. What can I possible know, and blog about things that I am not involve in? Akmal's recent post itself has somehow made me thinking, though its about the so call sensitive racial issues in Malaysia.. I used to be laughed at, and ridiculated at, that I had no sense of racism when it comes to liking someone. Though I will not elaborate on this, only few would know what I meant.

This world, and this country, are said to have racial tolerence. While this might be true amongst the young people these days, it is certainly not very true among the elders. Perhaps they have gone through war and hell because of race, religion and colour. Perhaps they deemed themselves to be wiser than us young people today. Perhaps they themselves think their own race is better than the others. I have heard most probably all, when spoken about a certain race, they will go and rant about how the entire race is that and this, while never speaking bad about their own. Such labelling of races shud never happen. People must realize that whatever these elders speak worse of other people, such critism shud never be listened to..

I reli don't know what I'm ranting about.. Its just that that post by Akmal made me thinking, and what he says is true.. The racial, religion, and skin colour issue is rampant, even in a country like ours, behind fake smiles and emotions.. I can say, only the younger ones don't have these racism feelings. But the elders will come, and tell us how naive we are, trusting the races which are not our own, believing in those who they said had brought us down.. The bottom line is that, Elders should keep their racial rubbish to themselves, and the young ones must learn to live and work together, regardless of race, religion and colour. Call me naive, call me stupid, call me young and foolish, what is the past is the past, and nothing matters more than the future..

Enough about that, I just felt I had to get it off my mind, not only because of Akmal's post, but also my own side that happened today.. I had originally wanted to post another post, but now that i've typed all the way till here, I guess I won't be doing the other post dah, at least not now..

Logging off,
-A heart who suffers in silence-