Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Life.. wat do you want out of it?

Once I almost lost my mind while studyin for SPM.. there was this one period of time ler.. I totally went berserk studying.. and when i really cudn't take it.. i told my dad, i'm stoppin this.. i nid some life.. and he at that time got angry and snapped back,"You want to hang out at discos and karoake every night? drink beer and get drunk?" and he left the room.. but I never got a chance to reply..

I want a life..I don't want to go karoakes and get drunk. I want friends to hang out with and laugh.. I want a class to belong to where we have fun during lessons.. I want to meet new people, do new things and live life..

Comparing to things now? everyday's a dull repeitive cycle.. in class as well.. the lecturers arent like teachers in secondary school days.. its cuz of the amount of students they have.. its like.. making stuff in bulk.. losing all the small things that made everyday life in class so fun.. My hours were the same in secondary school, 8 to 3.. then I was barely tired at the end of the day.. we had fun.. in college, i'm dying everyday.. I'm not sure if I'll be fit enuf to come school the next day..

I.. am barely putting up with it, for another 8 months or so.. wat everyone tells me to do.. but why doesnt anyone understand.. for me, its not the destination that matters so much, the journey itself is the destination.. the journey is life and the only destination that we stop travelling on our journey is death.. so the journey is the one that shud be treasured the most..

I dun understand ler.. I'm not doing to well.. in anything.. I.. need a change..

Logging off,