Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm tired..

I'm tired of being average and below average in academics,
I'm tired of being overweight and possibly obese,
I'm tired of not being able to win a challenge,
I'm tired of not being able to understand,
I'm tired of my lack of will and discipline,
I'm tired of being left out on important issues,
I'm tired of domestic issues at home,
I'm tired of the financial burden I am,
I'm tired of the financial insecurity I have,
I'm tired of the rising cost of living,
I'm tired of not being able to speak chinese,
I'm tired of being told how important it is,
I'm tired of watching others with their lives,
I'm tired of my own not moving the way I want it to,
I'm tired of my life..

I need a change,
A change only I can make,
A change I lack the will and strength for,
A change I will always hope for..

Logging off,