Sunday, February 11, 2007

The days are over..

11th February 2007... Although I make it sound like someone has died today, the simpler fact is that I finally quit dota, and any form of warcraft games.. Everyone would have their time, and this is mine.. My reasons are aplenty and I think there's not much need to put them here...

On another note.. sapphire progress has stopped cuz the part I'm supposed to take over and continue isnt working out as planned.. haha.. the fact is that I'm lazy.. Orientation is finally here and holidays are practically over, except for the chinese new year..

This year, I have goals, and I have resolutions to keep.. And each are no simpler than another, and judging from my attitude, I gotta change alot about myself if I were to even try to acheive those goals..

Lawy3rz, Lawy3rz Lawy3rz.

Logging off.