Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well... Malaysia..

Well people, I am back in Malaysia.. ah Malaysia, my home country, where great food awaits me.. and people who keep dinosaurs as pets. At the bottom of the very long list of profane, vulgar list of words, there's..

Husni: Malaysians ‘wrong’ to abandon country

I can probably come up with alot of stuff to say, very likely nasty stuff, but that'd probably be illegal in some way or another, or perhaps deemed a threat to the country.. somehow, so I think the link I posted will speak on its own.

Malaysia.. ah Malaysia.. the only country where 3 cars can park in 2 disabled parking lots..

Seriously, like wtf?

The country that limits 100 Plus bottles like they're some sort of precious rare in demand much needed commodities in a time of war.

Dont you just love it when they sell new condominiums they always put a handsome looking and fit security guard staring right at you as if they're so sharp and alert?

Yeah its hilarious.

Well just a few snapshots of things I've seen in Malaysia since I've returned.. Oh and I just came back from Yoke Keat's new housewarming party.. Nice place =D Noobs Eugene and Kelvin are staying the night there too, and I bet they might see this also ahhaha..

Logging off,


what's with the 2 bottles per day of 100 plus? that's just weird