So I force myself out of the bed with an huge invisible pry bar and went down to make some coffee, which well.. didnt quite went as what I had in mind..
I mean what the hell is wrong with me today?? I've been making blunders all day! This one was particularly tricky to clean up because apparently some parts of the kitchen top was WET! sucks!
Like this blunder as well...
This is shirmin's bed. and yes this is the photo from the top.. Notice anything wrong?
How about now?
YES we got the side frame UPSIDE DOWN and it was the bloody FIRST STEP OF ASSEMBLING the bed!!! which means if we want to fix it (which we should laa) we have to DISASSEMBLE 2 HOURS of hard work to turn this BLOCK of wood upside down! AAAAAAAAAAA..
I was like YES! finish! and then oh uh.....
Anyway, so off topic already.
I read on some pretty racism comments on how the only 'real' citizens in Australia are the whites and the rest are just 'paper citizens'. I didn't quite use the exact wording here.. but while its easy to decry his actions and then move on. but to be honest, his racist remarks had some point.
I always believed racism is overused, over publicised, over politicised, issues. Race hardly plays an issue in anything, mentality does. Am I trying to be an migrant to Australian shores myself? Yes I am. Yet I think that the migration should be reduced myself. Why is the first reaction most would-be migrants ask? Think about it, over-crowding, over-populating city causes problems and strains that can already be seen on Melbourne streets today. Overcrowding on trains and trams, way over-inflated property prices, competition for a home, and frankly, most migrants come with a mentality that the Australians should bend to their way of life or else they'll cry racism. Where is the Australian way of life?? They're definitely not in universities, where I once wrote about that. Even the quality of education drops like a rock with the influx of students with horrible english skills.
This is why I respect Kevin Rudd when he says, and I quote,"IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT". Why on earth would you want to migrate to another country and then demand that they adapt to your cultures and language? It's like migrants come here not to learn Australian culture and be part of the society but to form their own society out of sheer numbers.
It's a delicate issue of economic and political consequences, but the simple fact remains, the current situation cannot remain.
Logging off,
from the mess that u made in the pictures, i can see that you are pretty much distracted by so many thoughts in your brain..
focus my friend!! F-O-C-U-S..
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