Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New template... or not..

Remember that new template I was talking about years back? Well I finally got something done. or not quite. It's half assed complete but I have to go out now so I'll fix it when I get back.

Its done! I think...

Oh wait IE8 has errors. It's always IE, IE sucks =.=" Whatever. Cant figure out a way to fix it without having a server or free direct linking file hosting at my disposal and am not willing to compromise either.


Even more bizzare, the PREVIEW in IE8 shows it working fine but the ACTUAL one doent look the same. what on earth.

Left = actual IE8. Right = Preview (from blogger) using IE8. Conclusion? get chrome.

Like it? Hate it?

Let me know.

Note that credits goes to raycreations for this new template - i'm simply too lazy and unskilled to make this quality of template. Links at the sidebar right at the bottom.

Old template..
Logging off,