Wednesday, January 27, 2010

These are such times..

There are times when I blog for the sake of blogging because I simply have nothing better to do.. Its now 1.48am, sitting here in the study with mess all over the place, cracking my head over what to do but nothing comes to mind.

Play games? Surf web? Facebook? Stare into blank space? ah hah! blog! about what? absolutely nothing! =.="

Well I mean like I've already done pretty much all the random things you could do with a computer. Like updating firefox, updating chrome, updating all the bits of antivirus antispyware bla bla - yes I am that bored..

I've even changed the themes for firefox cuz my faithful azerty theme wont work with the new firefox.

Then I tried to change part of my blog code to make the comments more visible, u know, like a drop down menu or something and found that it is bloody troublesome to make something as simple as that, so I'm too lazy to do that even.

Day to day life is pretty very mundane. It consist of eating, sleeping, and going out to eat =.=" I mean life as an unemployed bugger sucks, how anyone would stand being unemployed beats me. I miss university =.=" I mean life as a student sure had its downs, but everytime i am this bored I'd just study, not that I'll end up studying in reality.

This time I guess life isn't all so sweet back in Malaysia, back home. There are problems at home, I hope they'll just go away..

I guess I always look back at pics and think back what has happened and past, but yet feel so unreal, like it didnt happened sometimes.. Everything.. Even the present sometimes feel so unreal.. Like its a dream and I expect to suddenly wake up from it..

I guess the crossroads in life that I've always dreaded is really here. I know I've bitched whined crapped complained about this for many months now, if not years, but bear with me.. I'm still trying to get over the fact that uni is over, and I pretty much have much heavier responsibilities than I had before..

What should I do now? Sometimes the availability of choice doesn't make life easier, it makes them harder..

Should I stay in Malaysia and work? Should I go Singapore and work? Should I go to Australia and work? Work as what?

So many questions, so few answers, each option comes with a commitment and sacrifice of the other options. Each has its ups and downs, some heavier than the others, but signifcant and important nonetheless.

The importance of money is so great, the emphasis on it is reminded by the simplest day to day activities, the lust for a luxury life calls for more and more money. Money is a form of power, and the lack of money, I believe, is the root of all evil. (Quoted by Robert Kiyosaki)

And what about family, friends.. what does each of these choices mean?

Malaysia is my home, but what I see left in my home leaves me saddened and disappointed. So much so that I do not dare commenting or criticizing on any aspect. Whatever vision our forefathers had of this country with so much potential is all but vanished.

I am but just one, young Malaysian, having to make a choice, and sacrifice, between different paths of lives. And as I bit my lip, closed my eyes, and sigh,

Logging off,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well... Malaysia..

Well people, I am back in Malaysia.. ah Malaysia, my home country, where great food awaits me.. and people who keep dinosaurs as pets. At the bottom of the very long list of profane, vulgar list of words, there's..

Husni: Malaysians ‘wrong’ to abandon country

I can probably come up with alot of stuff to say, very likely nasty stuff, but that'd probably be illegal in some way or another, or perhaps deemed a threat to the country.. somehow, so I think the link I posted will speak on its own.

Malaysia.. ah Malaysia.. the only country where 3 cars can park in 2 disabled parking lots..

Seriously, like wtf?

The country that limits 100 Plus bottles like they're some sort of precious rare in demand much needed commodities in a time of war.

Dont you just love it when they sell new condominiums they always put a handsome looking and fit security guard staring right at you as if they're so sharp and alert?

Yeah its hilarious.

Well just a few snapshots of things I've seen in Malaysia since I've returned.. Oh and I just came back from Yoke Keat's new housewarming party.. Nice place =D Noobs Eugene and Kelvin are staying the night there too, and I bet they might see this also ahhaha..

Logging off,

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's hot..

And its hot and hot and hot! It's like I can just sit around naked in front of a fan eating icecream whole day =.=" Thankfully, I rented a car, and its probably the best thing I've spent money on because if you're asking me to walk around in this heat for the entire day, you must be nuts..

I half expect the roof to start melting into goo-ish liquid.

Just to give u an idea how hot my f*king room is, i have 4 bloody fans that blows wind out, including a pretty useless cooler which is actually a big ass fan with a wet towel behind it. The only thing missing is the red sky to complete the look that melbourne now feels like hell.

43 degrees.. I think that's about the melting point for humans..

So much so that its on the front pages of news...

In the meantime i bought a 99c toy that i'm playing with it so much. I think it's keeping me sane for now too.. and i'm spraying it into the fan like those mamak with water erm.. droplets?

Anyway, as I mention I rented this car... Its a CIVIC HYBRID.. so its awesome.. except that it has these colourful side stickers that makes it look I'm driving an ice cream truck.. If only I had those bells/loud speakers going "Mat cool Mat cool, something something COOL!" I'd show you some pictures except the sun is so bright now I am so lazy to go out and take pics.

I cooked risotto with my darling yesterday!! ^^ we're such fans of Jamie Oliver suddenly after I started watching Jamie's videos on my iphone.. So we tried risotto his style..


which actually is basically butter and cheese.. and the amount that we put inside, as we follow his recipe, is.. well, horribly frightening.. and we felt like we were going to explode and die after we finish the risotto.. This is actually our second attempt =.=" our first attempt failed so miserably as salty stock-overdoesed risotto.

And now I'm looking for knives that Jamie Oliver uses because he cuts onion and garlic like a hot knife through butter where as mine... well, lets not even bother going there..

^^ My new favourite toy.. very awesome & expensive sunglassess! :D

I know I havent blogged about things that I MUST like my own birthday and erm my graduation and I'm so lazy now so next time lah.. haha..
Logging off,

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

ermmm yeaaaa...

Haha I know I know.. *STOP THROWING arghh STUFF.. *

I havent blogged since forever, more specifically after exams are over because free time arent used for blogging. Lying around meaninglessly and lifeless and complaining how bored I am and then going on msn and complaining about how bored I am to wendy still seems better than blogging =.="

A lot to catch up.. lets see.. life is absolutely boring after the exams. I WANT EXAMS BACK. its January already and im still in melbourne, and there's really no one left here anymore *how sad*.

As if no one knows yet, I'm desperately searching tiresomelessly for a new place to stay. Its so tired and sien already I wish I was rich and live in southbank one penthouse or something. And shit I dont have a freaking car so half the time I have to search under the soarching summer sun. I'm going to become black by the time I get back to Malaysia and hope my parents buy me a car out of pity. Yeah that's going to work..

I'm just kidding.. I'll eventually get one myself.. somehow.. wonder how my lotto luck is *dreams*

Myki!!! Alot of people hate myki, but to be honest, anything new gots my hands tingling and itchy, and guess what came in the mail today finally??


Why are my pictures in the wrong orientation???! It looks fine on my com!

And my baby is with meee! wee! We can get bored together... =.=" She was so cooking dinner and I was there sitting watching show and taking pics of her haha.. I'm so helpful ^^

Okayyy a good start to the revival of my bloggg!

Logging off,